Established in 2006, is the largest tried and tested job and community site in the UK for high quality female candidates seeking part-time and flexible full-time jobs and franchise opportunities. is also a leading voice in promoting best practice in flexible working and career progression for women. Through a series of events, reports and white papers this knowledge is disseminated to help leaders in HR and diversity progress their policies and practices.

Gillian Nissim founded the site in 2006, since then it has grown significantly and now has a database of over 320,000 candidates, includes a returners platform, a dedicated section for dads and works with thousands of employers, from large corporates to micro companies.

It is now one of the UK’s longest established and most successful jobs and community site for professionals seeking part-time and flexible full-time jobs and business opportunities. It is also a leading voice in promoting best practice in flexible working and gender diversity.

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PO Box 53228 · London,  N3 1YR