Being on holiday, is for many of us, an ideal time to switch off from work, wind down and take stock of where we’re at. You know those moments when the kids have finally gone to sleep and you’re sitting watching the sunset with your glass of something cold reflecting on, “Wow!! How are we in August already!” and “Oh no! the kids start school again in a few weeks, so much to do!! Wait?! What am I going to do with my life when they’re all starting theirs!!”
It’s often when we switch off from normal day-to-day activities, we start to consider the possibilities ahead of us. About how we want to take control of our lives and futures, whilst being there for our partners, children and friends. Having the right balance between work and life is crucial for life-contentment. As country singer, Dolly Parton puts it,
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”
For women, this balancing act can be even more of a joy when we start to think outside the box. BK (before kids) our focus was probably much different to how it is now, AK (after kids). If you are facing the prospect of having all your children starting school – the world is now your oyster. The only limitation to what you can do, is what you think you can do.
As famous painter, Thomas Kinkade once said,
“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life.
It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.”
This is where the scary reality of stepping out into something you’ve always dreamed of, can be the fuel to your fire! Feel the fear and do it anyway!! This could be the year you try it and realise your own potential! And you don’t even have to try it alone.
According to research by the British Franchise Association, franchising is fast-rising to become one of the most secure forms of employment in the UK, especially in light of Brexit uncertainty. What’s more, the stereotype of who franchising attracts is becoming younger and more diverse, as one in five franchisees set up between the beginning of 2014-2016 being under 30.
Franchising has more to offer than just coffee shops, and fast food chains, and women in particular are finding they are able to tap the careers into their interests, and still make time for their children. Owning your own business is hard work, but as many testify, “With access to wifi, I can run my business from anywhere – even the car while waiting to pick the kids up from dance, or football club!”
EWIF have a lot of members across a variety of industries, many of whom would be more than happy to chat to you about what they do. Maybe even support you in your own franchise investment. From swimming lessons, to dance instructors. Accountants to lawyers. Healthcare to training. You are bound to find something which suits you, your skills and your passions… and if you don’t, why not start up your own business model for a future franchise opportunity.
So, what do you think?
What would you love to do, if there were no limitations?
Have you ever considered franchising as being a viable option for you before?