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Navigate your 2024 with support from the EWiF Community

Navigate your 2024 with support from the EWiF Community

For women in franchising, the business landscape is evolving significantly. At EWiF we recognise the impact of supportive networks, both online and in person.

As we welcome the New Year, there is – as always – tons of chatter about “New Year Resolutions”! But, at EWiF we’re thinking differently: about embracing opportunities, setting meaningful goals, and building a powerful network of supportive women.

As we look towards 2024 we also reflect back on the previous year

As we look towards 2024 we also reflect back on the previous year

Many of us use the down time between Christmas and New Year to reflect on life – our career, and goals for the future. According to Carers UK, over 3 million people juggle caring for a loved one, around work. This is in addition to the 75% of mothers who are working. Many women report feeling guilty, like a failure, or suffer with increased stress, from trying to meet all demands. Where do you fit within this?

Do you try to squeeze your whole life into 4 or 5 hours after work, wishing you could be your own boss but not sure how? For decades, franchising has offered women like you the change to break free their dreams. You can be in business for yourself but not by yourself! In addition to the support of your franchisor and the franchise network, there are an abundance of others who’ll be by your side, through EWiF’s community, ready to Educate, Inspire and Empower you. What a way to become a business owner!