Franchise businesses have proved themselves to be a sound investment financially for many people. Whether you are new to business or have run companies before, the franchise route is becoming increasingly popular.

However, a stumbling point for some people may be the upfront franchise fee, which prohibits some promising candidates from proceeding. From now until the end of the year, Razzamataz Theatre Schools is offering an exciting opportunity for those looking to run their own part-time performing arts school.

To give more people the opportunity of joining the network, there will be no up-front franchise fee of £7,995 plus VAT to pay. All that will be required is the £4,000 initial marketing launch and £5,000 working capital as opposed to circa £20,000 that would have included the franchise fee.Candidates who choose not to pay the upfront franchise fee, will pay 20% MMF instead of 10% over three years or nine terms.

“The offer is intended to make joining our franchise network more viable for more people,” says Denise Hutton-Gosney, MD and Founder of Razzamataz. “Over the years, we have seen candidates that would make excellent theatre school owners but who just didn’t have enough upfront finance. Razzamataz is an establish franchise so we are able to offer a variety of joining opportunities that will suit a number of different people.”

With almost 50 schools up and down the country, now is an exciting time to become part of the network, which includes an award-winning franchisee. Known as the biggest and most influential event in the franchising world, Razzamataz was delighted to be among the winners at the British Franchise Association (bfa) Awards 2018.

There are also lots of exciting opportunities on the horizon including schools taking their students to perform at the Indigo 02 in London and Disneyland Paris. There are many high-profile partnerships with recent ones including collaborating with Warner Bros. Pictures’ new release Teen Titans GO! to the Movies and industry masterclasses with West End star Kerry Ellis and street dance crew Diversity.

In Duncan Bannatyne’s recent book, Anyone Can Do It, he says: “Of course I judge my Dragons’ Deninvestment by different criteria. One of these is Razzamataz. I had invested in stage schools before, so I knew it could be a good move, and I was very impressed by the managing director, Denise Gosney, who is extremely enthusiastic and hard working.”

To find out if franchising is the right option, Razzamataz holds regular Discovery Den days across the UK where potential franchisees get a chance to meet the Head Office team, find out more about franchising in general and discover what it is like to run a part-time theatre school.

There are currently opportunities to take over existing schools in both Hackney and Reading.If you would like to find out more about becoming part of our team and attending a Discovery Den,chat to Head of Recruitment Suzieon call 07793 054 233. For more details visit: