The BFA (British Franchise Association) is set to reveal the results of the first national franchise survey since 2018, at the beginning of October. Founded in 1977 and with a strapline of ‘Discover Your Tomorrow’, the BFA is the hub of franchising in the UK. The...
The British Franchise Association (BFA) has announced the finalists in the BFA HSBC UK British Franchise Awards 2024. The awards are celebrating their 35th anniversary this year, having been founded in 1989. The BFA, with its tag line of ‘Discover Your Tomorrow’ is...
The NatWest Encouraging Women into Franchising (EWiF) Awards 2024 are now open for entries. These awards offer a unique opportunity to showcase the best women innovators, leaders and pioneers in franchising. Since 2012, we have recognised and celebrated hundreds of...
For women in franchising, the business landscape is evolving significantly. At EWiF we recognise the impact of supportive networks, both online and in person. As we welcome the New Year, there is – as always – tons of chatter about “New Year Resolutions”! But, at EWiF...
With a New Year on the horizon, how can you take control of your future? Many of us use the down time between Christmas and New Year to reflect on life – our career, and goals for the future. According to Carers UK, over 3 million people juggle caring for a loved one,...
Now is the perfect time to envision the future of your business and set your sights on new horizons. Is there a way you can elevate your franchise with a clear roadmap for growth? If you’ve reached a point where you know you’re bottling-necking further growth of your...