Radfield Home Care has brought in 2019 on a high, welcoming its first new franchise partners of the year.

Mother and son team, Matt and Lis Barnes, have now completed their first introductory franchise training week and are preparing to launch their new Radfield Home Care Wycombe, Beaconsfield & South Bucks business in the coming weeks.

Ex-financial services professional, Matt and his mother Lis, who worked in senior HR roles throughout her career, decided to join the healthcare sector following personal experience of the industry and felt that Radfield’s values aligned with their goals for their new business venture.

“My grandmother is currently receiving home care, and we have struggled to find services that meet her needs. Undergoing this personal journey into the sector really opened our eyes to the gap in the market for a high quality, client-focussed home care service that can really help older people within the High Wycombe area,”Matt explained.

“This also coincided with me reaching a point in my career where the next natural step was to create something of my own. Neither of us have owned our own business before, so a franchise was a natural choice for the support and guidance you receive. Radfield Home Care meets our needs in this area, as well as aligning with our values to focus on providing clients with an exceptional care service.”

With a wealth of experience working in HR, the opportunity to develop a team of staff and provide them with career progression opportunities particularly excited Lis: “Throughout the majority of my career I focussed on supporting and rewarding people to get the best out of them and, throughout our franchise research process, this is something Radfield spoke a lot about. This really appealed to me and I had a lot of ideas flying around about how we can provide a great work environment. It just felt like a natural fit for me!”

As well as working with their dedicated Franchise Support Manager to recruit their Registered Care Manager and attain their Care Quality Commission registration, Matt and Lis have been developing campaigns with the marketing support team to attract their first clients and team members. As a result, they look to launchtheir new home care service in the coming weeks, with a team of staff ready to begin working with their first clients.

Coming from commercial backgrounds, Matt and Lis are a perfect example of howmany of Radfield’s franchise partners donot have previous healthcare experience, but are taking advantage of the support mechanisms Radfield Home Care offers to enter this rewarding sector. With opportunities right across the UK, you can also take advantage of Radfield’s wealth of experience this new  and launch your own home care business in your local community.


To find out more, you can contact Radfield’s Franchise Recruitment Manager, Ed Gill on 01743 548 550 or franchise@radfieldhomecare.co.uk. Alternatively, you can visit www.radfieldhomecarefranchising.co.ukto request your free brochure.