At the heart of any theatre school are the teachers that interact with the children on a regular basis. Ensuring that they have access to full support, training and mentoring to enable them to be the best teachers possible, has been something that a theatre school franchise has ploughed investment into.

On Sunday 13th November, Razzamataz Theatre Schools was delighted to host its Team Celebration Day at Pineapple Studios in Convent Garden, London. The aim of the day was to provide teachers and staff at any of the 60 schools up and down the country the opportunity to attend the inspirational training session free of charge to fully support them going forwards. 

The day kicked off with leading lady of the West End and Broadway, Kerry Ellis. Kerry has appeared in leading roles across the world in shows such as Wicked, Les Miserables, We Will Rock You, My Fair Lady, Miss Saigon and Cats as well as releasing an album as a solo recording artist. Kerry’s inspirational session included tips on vocal warmups, how to maintain good vocal health and a Q&A where the teachers were able to ask her about supporting their students with aspirations about going into the performing arts industry.

Next up was a Hamilton dance workshop with former cast member and former Razzamataz student Peter Houston. After leaving Razzamataz, Peter has performed in many West End shows and the teachers were incredibly excited to learn the iconic My Shot routine before Peter had to dash off to appear in a matinee performance of Mary Poppins.

In order to support teachers get the best out of their students, we were delighted to welcome Razzamataz Creative Coach Emily Miller who is passionate about all things lesson planning, objective setting, differentiation and how to get the best from every student. Her drama session opened the doors to learning more about how Razzamataz is ensuring that their teams of teachers and staff across the UK have access to CPD with the launch of the Razzamataz Training Academy and Diploma.

The Academy is free to all Razzamataz staff members and will enhance their learning activities to engage, develop and enhance their abilities. During the day, the teachers got to learn more about what was involved as well as listen to a session with Helen Bell, franchise partner of Razzamataz Sheffield who explained how being part of the franchise has given her the creative and financial freedom to have a business that she is passionate about and allowing her to fulfil her ambitions of being a parent.

Razzamataz Theatre Schools is a low-cost franchise, well respected in the industry meaning that funding is available in most high street banks. Founder and Managing Director Denise Hutton-Gosney was a dancer and teacher herself and was looking for a way to stay in the industry that she loved while being more financially secure. “I created Razzamataz for many reasons, one of them being that at 27 I was already becoming ‘old’ in my industry as a professional dancer and I was looking for more financial security and to put roots down,” says Denise. “If this is you, then I would love to chat. Razzamataz gave me the opportunity to be financially better off and allowed me to remain in an industry that I adore.”

Team Celebration Day feedback

“Thanks so much for today Denise. I thought it was brilliant and have left feeling so inspired,” Asha, franchise partner Razzamataz South Lakes.

“Teaching at Razzamataz reminded me why I got into teaching in the first place. It renewed my love of teaching,” Kate, teacher at Razzamataz Newbury.

“That was a truly awesome day and thank you so much for organising it. I had such fun, and it was lovely to see everyone,” Victoria, franchise partner Razzamataz Belsize Park.

“Thank you so much for organising it. It was such a great day and I learnt so much,” Samantha, franchise partner at Razzamataz Leighton Buzzard.

“My team really enjoyed it and took so much away. I can’t even imagine the effort that went into organising this so thank you so much,” Lauren, franchise partner Razzamataz Weymouth.

“It was really good to get together and spend time as a team and have such a great day planned for us. Thank you Head Office,” Debbi, franchise partner Razzamataz Newbury.

“Thanks for an amazing day, we loved it,” Felicity, franchise partner Razzamataz Brentwood and Hornchurch.

There are approximately 60 schools throughout the UK with many job opportunities available from assistants to teachers and staff members. Through the Team Celebration Day, the Razzamataz Head Office are further raising the profile of the schools, helping to attract and retain high-quality teachers, many of whom are likely to go on and become franchise partners and run their own Razzamataz school.

Join our team

We are looking for dynamic partners to own a Razzamataz Theatre School as well as teachers and assistants. If you are looking to make a difference in your local community to the lives of young people and you have a passion for performing arts, we would love to hear from you.

Re-sale opportunities

Occasionally franchise territories come up for re-sale due to a change in the franchisees’ personal circumstances or simply because they have decided to sell their asset and reap the rewards of their hard work. These re-sale schools very rarely stay on the market for long, so if you are interested, don’t delay in contacting us. Re-sale schools in:

  • Merseyside
  • York
  • Midlands

If you would like to find out more about our ambitious growth plans and be part of multi-award winning Razzamataz Theatre Schools network, drop Charlotte a line from our friendly Head Office team to book on to one of our virtual Discovery Dens.


  • Telephone: +44 7821 122242
  • FB: Razzamataztheatreschools