National Conference 2016

Every year EWIF hold a National Conference open to EWIF members, supporters and guests. The 2016 National Conference was held on Thursday 22nd September 2016 at The Stratford Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon, which was a great success. Giving our EWIF members a chance to meet and network, as well as hear about the fantastic developments from us here at EWIF. We also had some fantastic guest speakers…


Keynote Speaker

Celia Delaney

We were delighted to have Celia Delaney as our keynote speaker this year.

Celia Delaney is a highly regarded speaker for organisations and individuals who want to promote their business through speaking. A speaker for the Academy of Chief Executives, the Institute of Directors and Ashridge Business School, she shows her audiences how to feel more confident when speaking to promote your business. Having presented the annual NatWest Venus Awards in Devon, hosted women in business events and as a national finalist in the Women Inspiring Women Awards, Celia was a perfect choice for inspiring the women of EWIF to improve their speaking skills to help their businesses to develop. As a singer and cabaret performer as well as a public speaker, Celia even treated the audience to her own rendition of ‘Working 9 – 5’ the franchising version!

“I’m a huge supporter of EWIF and, as a business woman myself, it’s wonderful to see so many people who are willing to spare their precious time to help and support others. Starting and running a business can often be lonely with no-one to turn to but the beauty of franchising especially and of being part of EWIF is that you have a huge support network to turn to which takes away a lot of the fear of going into business for the first time,” explains Celia.

To register your attendance for the 2017 conference please fill out the form below.



Celia Delaney, 2016 Keynote Speaker

Other Speakers

Alongside our keynote speaker, Clare Davis fronted a fantastic talk on networking to build your business. Her presentation outlined how networking can create long term relationships to build profitable connections.

Clare believes that once you truly-know about people, you will succeed at work and in life, and is passionate about helping people understand how to build relationships to build their business. These are fundamental concepts that underpin her coaching, training and consulting work with businesses across the globe.

A word from, Helen Mansfield, National Co-Chair of EWIF

“I look forward to the EWIF Conference every year and it’s something we’re extremely proud to be part of at Coconut Creatives. The figures for women in franchising seem to have dropped so it’s now more important than ever that we continue to push EWIF and create a community that gives business women the encouragement and support they need to be successful. There were more people than ever at the conference this year so I’m looking forward to seeing what the awards bring in May next year!” adds Helen Mansfield, of Coconut Creatives, National Co-Chairs of EWIF.