As we look towards 2024 we also reflect back on the previous year

As we look towards 2024 we also reflect back on the previous year

With a New Year on the horizon, how can you take control of your future? Many of us use the down time between Christmas and New Year to reflect on life – our career, and goals for the future. According to Carers UK, over 3 million people juggle caring for a loved one,...
Are you largely ignoring most women with your  franchise marketing?

Are you largely ignoring most women with your franchise marketing?

With a focus on inspiring mothers into business ownership – rightly so – have we actually ignored women without kids? EWiF explores this question, with ideas of what we can do. There’s a new “label” in town… DINK. If you know, you know! If you don’t it basically...
Reflecting on my first EWIB 2023

Reflecting on my first EWIB 2023

Nathalie Buckley Coconut, Lyndsey Hancock EWiF New to Coconut, and new to franchising, we sent Lyndsey Hancock and Nathalie Buckley (also new!) to their first ever franchise event. Here, Lyndsey shares what she loved about attending the BFA’s EWIB conference! The...

Tumble outta bed, stumble into work mode

What a way to make a livin’ when you’re capable of so much more… now if only there was a way for you to work the hours to suit you and your lifestyle?! How are you feeling about your working week, at the moment? It’s the start of a New Year, and – cliché as it is –...

Are you aiming for the top of the ladder?

Many of the women who’d make great leaders, hold back because they don’t think they can. Developing the right mindset can give you the confidence to shoot for the stars. Of your circle of friends, how many women do you know who are in a position of career leadership?...