Lauren Hill – The Best Magic Mirrors (Windsor)
“Have you ever felt as though something has been missing from your career?
I was working in an industry which I enjoyed but I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted; I just wasn’t fulfilled and craved greater success. Then I was introduced to The Best Magic Mirrors.
This amazing company has given me the opportunity to live the lifestyle I want, making my own decisions and having control of my own diary, whilst also providing the most incredible guidance and support to help make the business successful.
It incorporates all the factors you could want in a career – fun, sociable, interactive, and knowing I can make someone’s event super special is what makes it all worth it. I am so proud to be a part of The Best Magic Mirrors family and love everyday that I now get to wake up and create Magical Memories for my amazing clients.”
Since joining The Best Magic Mirrors Franchise Lauren has already achieved great things including securing preferred supplier status at a luxury Windsor Hotel. With the demand increasing for events as lock down eases and the addition of their virtual photo booths this company continues to go from strength to strength.
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